Volunteer to Make a Positive Difference

Volunteer to make a positive difference. | Volontirajte za pozitivnu razliku.

(dolje - hrvatski tekst sljedi engleski)


Our new CCSV council is almost one month into exciting plans and activities. Folklore dance is in full swing (get it? dance, swing?) and language classes are humming along (get it? humming? - I’m on a roll today!).

We have ordered a new set of folklore costumes - this time from the Bizovac (Osijek-Baranja) region - for our folklore group “Zagreb” for the upcoming Edmonton festival in May. We are also researching grants for various initiatives to promote Croatian language, folklore, and culture. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

More importantly, we have reached out to some community members, asking them to join the CCSV council to help steer the community’s future. Unfortunately, most of them said they are ready to help but don’t have the time to participate as a council member.

The problem with this response is that if you aren’t interested in planning your Croatian community’s future, why do you think someone else might be interested or that someone else might do it better?

In the words of Elizabeth Andrew, “volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart.”

We understand the pandemic’s role in quashing a lot of good in our lives and communities, but the pandemic is over. So it’s time to gather, refresh, and try something new. That means we need new people in CCSV to generate new ideas and ways of doing things. You can’t create something new if it’s always the same old . . .

That said, we know we have several amazing and competent people in our society who can help move our group forward but are perhaps afraid because they haven’t actively participated in the community over the years. There is no time like the present to lose that fear and join our Croatian community. We heartily welcome you.

Also, some people have raised an important point about the relationship between the Croatian Cultural Society of Victoria (CCSV) and Victoria’s St. Leopold Croatian Catholic Parish. Please note that the two are separate entities with separate councils. However, there is no denying we are part of the same community. Therefore, we will endeavour to work together as best we can for the benefit of the entire Croatian community in the Greater Victoria region.

Now, let’s get to work.

1. Do you meet the following criteria?

2. You live in the Greater Victoria area.

3. You love Croatian culture.

4. You want to see the Croatian community in Victoria thrive.

5. You have competence in administration, culture, language, sports, music, finance, folklore, cooking, communication, marketing, and/or project management.

If you answered “yes” to all the above questions, please join the CCSV council and immerse yourself in a purposeful and enjoyable experience.

Remember: Any change you wish to see in this community begins with YOU.

Please email info@ccsv.ca for more info on joining the CCSV council.

Thank you.


Lijep pozdrav!

Naše novo vijeće Hrvatskog kulturnog društva (HKDV) je skoro mjesec dana u uzbudljivim planovima i aktivnostima. Folklor je u punom zamahu i škola hrvatskog jezika dalje napreduje.

Za sada, naručili smo još jedan komplet folklornih nošnji - ovaj put iz bizovačkog (Osijek-Baranja) kraja - za našu folklornu grupu “Zagreb.” U tim nošnjama “Zagreb” će nastupiti na festivalu u Edmontonu u svibnju ove godine. Također istražujemo mogućnost potpore za hrvatskih jezik, folklor i kulturu uopće.

Obratili smo se na nekoliko članova naše zajednice, pitajući ih hoće li se pridružiti vijeću HKDV-a kako bi pomogli popuniti odbor. Nažalost, većina vas je rekla da ste spremni pomoći, ali nemate vremena sudjelovati.

Problem s ovim odgovorom je u tome što ako vi niste zainteresirani za budućnosti naše hrvatske zajednice, zašto mislite da bi netko drugi mogao biti zainteresiran ili da bi netko drugi to mogao učiniti za nas ili vas?

Prema riječima Elizabeth Andrew, “volonteri nemaju nužno vremena; imaju srce.”

Shvaćamo ulogu pandemije u gušenju mnogo dobrog u našim životima i zajednici, ali pandemija je gotova. Vrijeme je da se okupimo, osvježimo i isprobamo nešto novo. To znači da su nam potrebni novi ljudi HKDV-u koji će generirati nove ideje i novu snagu u našoj zajednici. Ne možete stvoriti nešto novo ako je uvijek isto staro - to vrijedi za sve.

Uz to, znamo da imamo nekoliko dobrih i kompetentnih ljudi u našoj zajednici koji mogu pomoći da se zajednica pokrene, ali se možda boje jer nisu aktivno sudjelovali tijekom ovih godina. Sad je vrijeme da odbaciti strah i pridružite se našoj zajednice. Želimo vam srdačnu dobrodošlicu.

Također, važna točka. Neki su postavili jedno važno pitanje u vezi HKDV i Hrvatske crkve. U kratko, Hrvatsko kulturno društvo Viktorije (HKDV/CCSV) i Hrvatska katolička župa sv. Leopolda u Viktoriji su dvije odvojene cjeline s odvojenim vijećima. Ali, pošto smo jedna zajednica, nastojima što bolje surađivati i pomagati jedno druge.

Sada, idemo na posao.

1. Zadovoljavate li sljedeće kriterije?

2. Živite u području Greater Victoria.

3. Volite hrvatsku kulturu.

4. Želite unaprijediti hrvatsku zajednicu u Viktoriji.

5. Imate kompetencije u administraciji, kulturi, jeziku, sportu, kuhanju, glazbi, financijama, folkloru, komunikaciji, marketing i/ili upravljanje projektima.

Ako ste odgovorili "da" na sva gornja pitanja, pridružite se HKDV-u kao volonter i uronite u svrhovito i ugodno iskustvo.

Zapamtite: Svaka promjena koju želite vidjeti u ovoj zajednici počinje s VAMA.

Pošaljite e-poštu na info@ccsv.ca za više informacija.


Updates and Announcements for April 2023


New Council, New Way Forward