40th Canadian Croatian Folklore Festival West
May 2017
Watch the 40th Canadian Croatian Folklore Festival on YouTube. Parts 1 and 2 are included below.
From May 19-21, 2017, CCSV was the proud host to Western Canada’s Croatian Folklore Festival.
This activity-packed three-day event featured visiting groups from Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, and Edmonton with special guests from Sacramento (California).
The festival started with a pub night in the church hall on Friday, May 19. On Saturday, after an intense morning of rehearsals, the groups staged a Croatian folklore concert at the University of Victoria’s Farquhar Auditorium followed by an evening banquet at the Mary Winspear Centre in Sidney. On Sunday, mass was celebrated at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in downtown Victoria and the event was capped off by a dinner-dance event once again in Sidney. Over the three days, more than 2,000 people took part in the festivities.
For more information about the festival, browse the festival souvenir book.
A chronology of the festivals is shown here:
Year City
1978 Edmonton
1979 Calgary
1980 Winnipeg
1981 Lethbridge
1982 Vancouver
1983 Sudbury**
1984 Edmonton
1985 Lethbridge
1986 Victoria
1987 Winnipeg**
1988 Calgary
1989 Vancouver
1990 Edmonton
1991 Victoria
1992 Lethbridge
1993 Winnipeg
1994 Calgary
1995 Hamilton**
1996 Vancouver
1997 Calgary**
1998 Edmonton
1999 Victoria
2000 Calgary**
2001 Winnipeg
2002 Vancouver
2003 Penticton
2004 Edmonton
2005 Vancouver
2006 Calgary
2007 Winnipeg
2008 Vancouver
2009 Calgary
2010 Edmonton
2011 Vancouver
2012 Winnipeg
2013 Calgary
2014 Vancouver
2015 Edmonton
2016 Calgary
2017 Victoria (40th anniversary)
2018 Winnipeg
2019 Vancouver
2020 Edmonton
** Combined eastern & western Canada festival
Download your copy of the 2017 festival souvenir book here.
Kolo Group “Zagreb” - 1985
Kolo group “Zagreb” - 2017
Kolo group “Zagreb” - 2019